Saturday, May 23, 2009

Obseesed Childreen

When ever my brother and I needed to be put to bed or just need be occupied, only a few things would suffice. Namely Tom Cruise's best film in his entire catalogue - TOP GUN
Now, granted, this is a very very very bad movie (bad is in not good, but also you know the other "bad." Butttt it is quality. Don't believe me? see video two.but i digress) Oh yes...Lieutenant Pete "Maverick" Mitchell...what a dreamboat. no
Nick "Goose" Bradshaw. yes
Loved that motorcycle scene before it gets all kinds of adult steamy where Kenny Loggins'
"Danger Zone" smash hit comes in. Well...have a look see. 

v. two

or not. you decide

Anywho, the other movie is still a very cool movie that I back 100 percent. Even now.
- THE LAND BEFORE TIME. Love this movie. I watched it almost weekly it seems and I saw it in theaters. My mom got my brother and I each a chocolate chip cookie and stuffed animal Little Foots!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!
This was no ordinary Little Foot to me. I took him EVERYWHERE--EVERYWHERE. If I could have taken him into the shower or school I would have. I made him chew gum, played stick guns, dressed him in random clothes , put scotch tape on his head and colored the tape so he would have colored hair, all kinds of shit. (wonder if top gun had any influence)
Very fun warm and fuzzy feelings for my Little Foot. I will bring him to dinner next time we go if he feels up to it. He's pretty old nowadays. 

My last one is not a movie. But just as good. I used to watch the Lakers growing up, but not so much as just the Lakers team, but one Laker in particular. Magic Johnson. "Maaygick Johhhnson" I would say whenever i saw him on tv. Too right. Crazy passes

(wish me luck on the above. long over due)


  1. I refuse to watch the top gun clips bc i want to actually see the movie. If you want, everytime i see you smoke i can snatch them and destroy them? your call!

  2. you wont get anything spoiled by watching the kenny loggins music video. trust me its worth it.
    you may destroy them

  3. damn that dude's burly commentator voice almost brought a tear to my eye from massive nostalgia

  4. Land Before Time.. Don't remember much of it but one of my roommates was obsessed with this song Petrie the pterydactyl sang..Me do not what to moove!
